The Salvos

Give a Lunch for Christmas Appeal

The Challenge

The Salvation Army had an ageing donor base and no connection with a younger audience. We needed to reach out to the next generation of donors in a fresh and engaging way that was relevant to them.

The Solution

Our research showed the #1 trending photo category on social media for Gen Y wasn’t babies or pictures of cats, but photos of food. We realised leveraging their ‘food porn’ behaviour was a perfect vehicle to spread the word for our Give a Lunch for Christmas appeal.

The Results

  • 1.3 million people were reached on social media
  • Annual donations for the charity increased by over 12%
  • Regular Gen Y donors increased a hundredfold
  • Over $350,000 generated in free media

Potential Realised

Are you ready to realise your potential? Whether you want to put your brand, or your career, on the path to growth we should chat.
Call AFFINITY’s CEO, Luke Brown, on + 61 2 8354 4400.