Much like a beautifully engineered German Motor vehicle or rail network, the past month at AFFINITY has been full steam ahead. We’ve finally put all gears into motion, with the introduction of our Group Media Director (Willkommen! Stuart P. Turner). Who’s taken to AFFINITY, like a local would to beer.
Working at this speed and energy, we’ve barely had the chance to step back and look at the wonderful whirlwind of growth that has been achieved, and of course celebrated! Props goes to our in-house event planners, The Social Club, for making our decisions on a Friday lunchtime seemingly more difficult… ‘Which of the three sauerkrauts or fifty condiments accompany my salty pretzel and giant kransky?’. Jeez guys.
It was wonderful to gather in the kitchen and reflect back on the weeks that had been, all whilst an oompah band merrily pounded in the background. We discussed the abundance of pitches and new opportunities that happily allowed us to on-board and introduce, two amazing new clients that we are over the moon to welcome to the AFFINITY team.
We then took a deep breath, as we all served ourselves a third helping of German potato salad, made with love by our Head of Research, Laurette.
Prost! to a wonderful Oktoberfeast, new team mates, clients, nominations and of course…the Affinität team