Four score and ten months ago AFFINITY held it’s inaugural ‘AFFINITY CHASE’ event. The day’s near endless list of laughs and anecdotes have since passed into legend, however a crack team of AFFINITIANS had been working around the clock in preparation for the event’s second coming; AFFINITY CHASE 2.0.
Although this years event was very much an evolution of it’s predecessor, the basic rules and regulations remained:
– The aim of the game was to solve as many (frustratingly clever) riddles around Sydney in as little time as possible, the team returning with the most correct answers wins
– Teams were hand picked to ensure people were placed with those whom they may not always interact with on a daily basis
– The winners prize had no physical manifestation, but it can be said it was of ‘bantastic proportions’ (Clayton, Mark 2016) with bragging rights once again the spoils of war on offer
It was decided that this year we would run the game through one of the many Geo-Caching apps to recently hit the market, testing out ‘Geocaching’, ‘Klikaklu’, and Action Bound before settling on ‘Goosechase’. The app enabled us to program a series of different clue types, ranging from simply texting in an answer to sending through pictures or videos of the teams completing certain embarrassing acts such as inhaling a Big Mac or proposing to one of their teammates on the Opera House stairs in front of an adoring crowd.
As the clock neared the game’s finishing time of 4:30pm and sweaty teams bundled one by one through the door and straight to the Powerade sports drink set-up for sweet, sweet sustentation, answers were checked and scores were tallied. Once everyone had caught their breath we collected in the boardroom for the winner’s presentation, reflecting back on some of the highlights of the day via Goosechase’s online interface that let us re-live the afternoon’s many awkward public hi-fives, questionable dress up choices, and heart-felt marriage proposals.
Laughs were laughed, tears were shed, and hamstrings were strained. All in all, AFFINITY CHASE 2.0 was a great success, and its safe to say eyes are already on the horizon for the third coming of the most anticipated occasion on AFFINITY’s social calendar.