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September 6, 2016

The Pinnacle of Effectiveness

It’s not every day you get to tick off a bucket list item, but that’s what AFFINITY did overnight. 

We woke up this morning to the news that AFFINITY has been confirmed as one of the most effective agencies in the world at the IPA Effectiveness Awards. Why is it the stuff of ultimate, professional must-do’s?

The IPA’s are widely recognised as the most rigorous effectiveness awards scheme in the world. The IPA, a 100 year old UK institution dedicated to the professional development and reputation of advertising, operates across 60 different countries and is famous for championing the measurement of marketing returns. 

So, for an agency so focused on moving our local industry beyond the indulgent creation of stuff for the sake of cool to becoming a critical part of every businesses’ business, the IPA’s are our ultimate stage. AFFINITY contended with over 740 other agencies worldwide and now stand shoulder to shoulder with 38 of the best.

Whether we pick up a Commendation or something more lofty in London on 2 November remains to be seen, but suffice to say we've relegated more than a few bottles of champagne to the recycling already!


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