Affinity logo
September 17, 2015

We have liftoff – Our rebrand is here

It’s been a busy year here at Affinity, we’ve moved home, presented at South by South West, hired six new talent, won five new accounts, and now we’re very proud to finally unveil our new brand.

Rebranding internally can be a tricky little number. It’s something everyone gets super excited about and we’re certainly not short of fantastic ideas, but it can often end up falling at the wayside against client work, y’know, the paid stuff. It hasn’t been easy rebranding over the last 6 months, but it has been fun.

The Logo

Our previous logo has served us well, but it was born in a simpler age. An age before 8K retina displays, 1.5” watch screens, smartphones, 3G, 4G, high resolution digital printing, 3D resin printing, Twitter icons, favicons, emoticons, Hololens, Oculus Rift and other cool stuff I’d love to be able to afford.

These days your logo needs to work hard and that’s why we’ve simplified things. Our new wordmark is bold, confident and adaptable. We wanted it to be as uniform as possible, so we’ve capped it up and thickened it out. A lot. It’ll look awesome emblazoned across a 96 sheet or scaled down to your favourite smartwatch screen. It’s perfectly balanced with a slight overlap on the ‘TY’, a little nod to connectivity, teamwork and affinity… that’s our name, by the way.

The Affinity Crosshair (the little icon with the four inwardly pointing paddles) has a little refinement making it feel more centrally focused. It’s been uncoupled from the main logo, giving them both room to breathe. They’re not divorced, they’ll still see each other at evenings and weekends. And when it makes sense to use an icon, small screens, avatars, that sort of thing. It’s all about adaptability, which is a bit more 2015 too.

Fleshing things out

So what have we changed apart from the logo? Well, everything.

Our colour palette has been given a complete overhaul, it’s vibrant and expansive. A beautiful range of tints complement each primary colour giving us flexibility and making our designers happy.

We’ve also been hard at work creating some awesome assets. Collections of patterns and textures to really put that colour spectrum to use. With a focus on disruption, connectivity and influence, this is where we’re looking to make a bang and let the brand shine.

An ongoing story

And because a brand’s job is never done, there’s so much more to do.  Beginning with our repositioning as Architects of Influence this January, we’ve taken the time to consider and allow our brand to breathe. With this phase unfurled for all to see, we’ll be working away on the next part including a complete office redesign, all singing & dancing website and a few Affinity surprises we’ll keep up our sleeves for now. 

In the meantime, we’d love to hear your feedback on our bold new look, hope you love it, ‘cos we do.


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+61 2 8354 4400

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