Turning Texts into Bronze: AFFINITY at the Effies

20th October 2022

By Angela Smith

AFFINITY turns a clever text messaging strategy into two Bronze Effies for client, Concierge Carwash

Turning Texts into Bronze: AFFINITY at the Effies

Following on from our July announcement of three Australian Effie Award finalists for our work with Concierge Carwash, we’re very excited to let you know that two of those finalists converted to Bronze at the recent awards ceremony.

If you don’t know the story behind the Effies, these are one of the awards AFFINITY values most. As an agency built on outcomes, the Effies demand you prove them – and prove they were a direct result of your work. So, to be acknowledged as the only award recipients in two categories – Clever use of Research/Data and Marketing Solutions other than Advertising – is something we’re incredibly proud of. (It’s also worth mentioning we were the only finalist in our third nominated category – Outsmarting Covid – so we’ll take that as a win too.)

We talk a lot about the importance of curiosity at AFFINITY, and this project is a great example of it. After being asked to do a broader marketing review, the strategist on the business dug deep into Concierge Carwash’s POS data, then drew on third party data to catalyse an idea. The result was a text messaging strategy that could be quickly implemented using the client’s existing systems, and a business impact that was critical for the brand during the challenges of Covid lockdown.

Many of the speeches at the Effies talked about the impact of Covid on brands and how they went to market. A clear observation was that the most successful brands were the ones who’d established a strong relationship with their agencies and developed powerful insights into their audiences. Because as great as awards are, they’re not the goal. Successful outcomes for our clients are the focus – awards are a great by-product (and a great way to celebrate work that works).

Congratulations to all the other winners and finalists at this year’s Effies. It takes a lot of effort and energy to prove your case to the jury, so you all deserve a champagne or two.

Fun fact – one of the clients behind this now multi-Effie award-winning campaign learnt about AFFINITY after studying our (also multi-Effie award-winning) Narellan Pools case study at University. If you’d like to hear more about our work, and the difference we could make to your business, get in touch – email luke@affinity.ad

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