Apps That Changed My Life

31st July 2013


Apps That Changed My Life

Whilst waiting to be mesmerised by James Blake last night at the Sydney Opera House (had to get that brag in!), one of the tracks being played caught my attention. I reached for my iPhone and Shazammed it. It occurred to me that Shazam has changed my life. I love music but these days I don’t spend hours listening to spotify or the radio or going to gigs.

But thanks to Shazam, I’m now able to translate my random encounters with music into life long relationships with new artists. True story. I happened across Sufjan Stevens whilst shopping one day and now own pretty much every thing he’s recorded plus had probably the best ever live music experience listening to him play, again at the SOH. Definitely life changing. So when you stop and think about it, are there any apps that have changed your life? And if you’re thinking about creating one, will it make a difference to anyone’s life? If the answer is no, maybe you should think again.

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